Below is a full list of TDM measures that make up the TDM program.
M1 - Free/Preferential Parking for Carpools
M2 - Orientation, Education, Promotional Programs and/or Materials
M3 - TDM Coordinator/Contact Person
M4 - Actively Participate in or Transportation Management Association (TMA) Equivalent
M5 - Carpool or Vanpool Program
M6 - Transit or Ridesharing Passes/Subsidies
M7 - Pre-Tax Transportation Benefits
M8 - Secure Bicycle Storage
M9 - Design Streets to Encourage Bike/Ped Access
M10 - Delivery Amenities
M11 - Family-supportive Amenities
M12 - Flex Time, Compressed Work Week, Telecommute
M13 - Telemedicine
M14 - Paid Parking at Market Rate
M15 - Reduced Parking
M16 - Short-Term Daily Parking
M17 - Developer TDM Fee/TDM Fund
M18 - Car Share On-Site
M19 - Land Dedication or Capital Improvements for Transit
M20 - Shuttle Program/Shuttle Consortium/Fund Transit Service
M21 - Bike/Scooter Share On-Site
M22 - Active Transportation Subsidies
M23 - Gap Closure
M24 - Bike Repair Station
M25 - Showers, Lockers, and Changing Rooms for Cyclists
M26 - Pedestrian Oriented Uses & Amenities on Ground Floor