Sites shall register with or else join or create a Transportation Management Association (TMA) with equivalent TDM service, whose role is to coordinate transportation-related programs and services in specific geographic areas.
Notably, for Large Non-Residential (Office, Industrial, Institutional, as well as Medical & Lodging) projects categorized as Transit Proximate there are five components an applicant must fulfill to satisfactorily implement this measure:
- Obtain certification of participation with, or equivalent program.
- Provide commute assistance or ride-matching program.
- Provide (or fund) a dedicated shuttle program/consortium or equivalent transit service.
- Provide Guaranteed Ride Home (Read more about Guaranteed Ride Home)
- Supply orientation, education, and promotional programs and/or materials for tenants
For all other project size and land use classifications, the third component above is not requirement as part of this measure.
This measure applies to:
- Residential (Multi-Family): Large Project
- Residential (Multi-Family): Small Project
- Non-Residential (Office, Industrial, Institutional): Large Project
- Non-Residential (Office, Industrial, Institutional): Small Project
- Medical & Lodging: Large Project
- Medical & Lodging: Small Project
- Retail: Large Project
- Retail: Small Project